
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mission Moment- Nicaragua 2011

I stood there motionless. I watched the people all around me. I didn’t want anybody to see the tears in my eyes. “Oh God use me! Show your mighty power through me,” I prayed to the Lord. “Give me an amazing opportunity to share with somebody!”
Discouraged and upset I prayed to the Lord. Standing there at the outer ring of people
awaiting the movie to start, I shared my heart with the Lord. My Mom and I had just finished a discouraging few hours of sharing. People were unresponsive. Some were even drunk. All the teams had just come back together and were sharing their incredible stories of the evening. I wanted to be one of those people.
As I stood there, I felt the Lord remind me that even if we didn’t see that many people saved, we planted seeds and we were obeying by sharing. I knew I needed to be content with the visits God had given me. After all, it wasn’t about me and how I felt. It was all about the Lord and His will. My thoughts and prayers were interrupted by my mother’s voice calling me. “Michelle! Come here!”
My Mom was calling me over to a group of young girls sitting on some steps. She was trying to speak to them, but was having no luck, because she couldn’t speak Spanish. As I walked toward
them, I was thinking I would just give them some stickers and say hi, because I could not speak Spanish either. Before I even really got to say anything, one of the translators named Oswaldo popped up beside me out of nowhere and said, “I translate for you!” He looked at the girls, quieted them and said, “I share Christ.”
I shared the good news of Jesus with all five of the young girls sitting on those steps and they all accepted Christ as their Savior! While Oswaldo got some personal information from the girls, I was overtaken by the fact that God had given me an opportunity to share that night with a whole group of girls and watch them get saved. I felt His Fatherly love toward me like never before. God took my discouragement and threw it out the window. God heard my plea and answered it in the sweetest way. I also felt so comfortable sharing because I teach ballet to the same age group of girls at my work. It was funny, because I wasn’t even looking for the opportunity even though I desired it so much. Funny how that worked out!
God did so many amazing things on the trip to Nicaragua that no words could truly express the magnitude of it all. I was partnered with my Mom all week and we saw God do incredible things. We also saw the sadness of people who were confused and blinded by their religion. We saw people who wouldn’t accept Christ. At times it feels like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster. In the end God is so good and so faithful. Our team saw about 800 people give their life to Christ. I am truly humbled and thankful for the opportunity I had to go. Thank you all who gave finically to me. And thanks be to God for his love. Though His love alone I was empowered to love the people of Nicaragua.